Curated Makers #PostablePopUp

I can’t quite believe that it’s been a week already since Curated Makers #PostablePopUp.

Last weekend, lots of small business owners and designer makers came together on Instagram to create a vibrant online pop up shop, and it was brilliant to be involved!

Myself and hundreds of other lovely makers set up craft stalls in corners of our homes (mine was in my bedroom!) to create a virtual market where customers could browse and shop small from the comfort of their own sofas.

The event created a real buzz online, and it was great to be introduced to so many talented makers, along with chatting to new customers and of course saying hello to some familiar faces too.

Such a great atmosphere was created around the event that by Sunday evening I really felt like I had been at a market in person, which during these uncertain times felt like such a novelty.

Curated Makers champions Northern makers, artists and small creative businesses via their curated marketplace, pop-up shops, market stalls and creative workshop events, and have hosted a number of vibrant pop up shops in big high street shops such as Paperchase, Debenhams, John Lewis and M&S.

Megan, the lovely face behind Curated Makers, has recently set up a Crowdfunding page to help enable the launch of "Made Local Markets" across the UK, helping to support creatives further via new market opportunities in high-profile locations. To find out more and get involved click here.

Finally, I’d just like to say a huge thank you to everyone who stopped by my virtual stall last weekend, whether you purchased something or just sent a lovely message. And of course a huge thank you to Megan for all of her hard work planning the event!

More virtual pop up plans are in the pipeline, so do keep your eyes peeled, and I’ll hopefully see you all again very soon!

Natalie Stoker